Change Management Is Not Absolute


    Change management is not absolute.  There are no prescriptions for you to follow in pulling together your strategy for changing, beyond calling your attention to the issues we have just addressed. You are too unique, your change situation is too unique, and the character of your organization and its environment is too unique for “patent medicine.” You will have to use your best judgment, in collaboration with others, and be ready to change your choices to match the circumstances as the change unfolds. Whatever you decide is the right approach for the organization, you have to assume that your own change stewardship is in quadrant four, transformational change, and take a discovery learning approach to your own decision, development, and personal growth.

    Change affects your most important asset, your employees. Losing employees is costly due to the associated recruitment costs and the time it takes to get new employees up to speed. Each time an employee walks out the door, important knowledge of your business leaves with them.

    A change management plan defines activities and roles to manage and control change during the execute and control stage of the project. Change is measured against the project baseline, which is a detailed description of the project’s scope, budget, schedule, and plans to manage quality, risk, issues, and change.

    A few important items to consider before you begin building your change management plan:

    • Who makes up your change control board? These individuals will be responsible for approving or rejecting each change request
    • Identify your central changelog. This will be used to collect and track all performance changes to evaluate your success over time.
    • Create a centralized change request form. This will be used to standardize all change requests.

    Businesses/organizations should always draft a change management plan to help guide staff members and stakeholders through those rocky transition periods.

    Again, Change management is not absolute.

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