Coaching Work

Change is inevitable. Growth is optional. Most people's response to imposed change is a defensive, resistant posture. A smaller number of people proactively create their future and grow into it. The most successful people typically surround themselves with a rock-solid network to help accelerate and enhance that transformation. That is where I come in.

100 Days to Breakthrough Change 

A new and exciting offer from The Gaian Group, the 100 Days to Breakthrough Change program combines the best features of our executive coaching programs, with a fast paced schedule. Backed by a 100% refund guarantee, there is no wonder why many of my clients have started achieving their goals quicker and easier, using this program.

I work with you through a deep coaching relationship. This work can be brief or long-term, and is a combination of business coachingsolution focused therapy, and personal development. Short term, this work can be as brief as a few meetings focused on one particular topic, or, more commonly, it follows a longer and more structured route.

There are four basic phases to this process:

Goal Definition

I work with you to get very clear about what you would like to do with your life, your business and/or your relationship with your self. We get clear, specific, and creative.

Self-Awareness and Feedback

Together, we plan a series of ways for you to collect data about yourself. When it makes sense to do so, I use assessments to give you feedback on your personality type, your conflict style, your interaction style in groups, and how you are perceived by others. Some of the assessments I utilize are the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), the FIRO-B, the ThomasKilman Conflict Style, as well as custom designed instruments for 360 feedback. You become familiar with your own constellation of traits, tendencies, and patterns.

Skill Enhancement

Shift your ways of interaction through sessions in which you learn how to enhance your strengths, understand how the patterns you live out impact others - both positively and negatively - and clear productivity blocks. I use a variety of methods, including NLP, hypnosis, and creative imagery.

Life Expansion

We create action plans, practice sessions and opportunities to further develop your new interaction styles. We plan and develop your support network and ways of expanding your life by drawing in positive and sustaining influences.

Growth is about transformation. It can be exciting, challenging and a lot of fun. We have choices - let's have a blast.

Helpful Definitions

Business Coaching focuses on how you improve or enhance you business, either through your communications, your strategic focus, or your leadership.

Solution Focused Therapy is an approach to resolving a particular problem or issue through a therapeutic intervention. It only focuses on the areas relevant to the fastest resolution of that problem or issue.

Personal Development is a general education in personality types, conflict styles, and other areas of personal dynamics intended to illustrate your own style, other's styles, and teach you ways of enhancing your interactions through that knowledge.

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