See Yourself Clearly

    When we begin to transform our way of thinking and see things from a fresh perspective, everything in our outer world begins to shift. The first step for a leader is to look at himself honestly and closely. When I am working with Leaders, I also get information from those that are aware of the behavior and style of the leader. Information that will give them added insight to their personalities, approach to conflict and direction within groups.

    This can be mind-blowing, dependant on how differently the leader viewed him or herself in comparison to others assessment. We often paint a distorted picture of ourselves, so this is an invaluable process to cultivate the image we are presenting and align it with what we think we are. We take into consideration that other people’s views have their own unique distortions; therefore, I take behavioural data from a variety of different channels through varying stories and examples.

    A powerful way of seeing yourself as others see you, complete with facial expressions and how you look when feeling emotions such as fear or anger is to record yourself as you deliver key messages. How does your voice sound? How expressive are you?

    It is important for leaders to also be aware of their decision making process to ensure that they make crucial decisions with all the information gathered. To be clear to others, you must know yourself and other’s styles so they are also getting the information they need. Obtaining the use of those trained in questioning and answering is very beneficial in addition to a support group to assist you with processing all data.

    Once you have received this information about yourself, look for what will help you understand yourself more and change the aspects that are important for you to change, rather than just what others want. The power of microtransformations will be evident when you pick one thing to consistently work on and witness the corresponding change in your life.

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