Organizations have innate aspects that respond to external and internal forces. By understanding these forces, leaders can gently encourage the organization to move easily and inevitably forward. Within all organizations, there is a change-stability dilemma, where the opposing desires of […]
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People require leaders with which they can have deep and meaningful connections, leaders they can trust and lean on for emotional support. They want an opportunity to be part of the whole process of change. People also have a need […]
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To be an effective leader, you need to be able to lead yourself with conscious focused energy towards all that you practise. Practise is referred to here as your regular daily actions, how you interact with life. If you do […]
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There are two approaches to living. One is to make the best of whatever life situation you find yourself in, by being present and putting love and humanity into every moment. The other is to create the life you […]
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Leaders with Inspirational Presence Leaders with inspirational presence are vital in our world today. We require leaders who truly connect with people in profound ways, who inspire us with their wisdom, intelligence and human passion. Leaders who are in touch […]
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It’s quite simple. What you expect to happen often does. If you anticipate failure, it happens. If you are positive and expect success your chances of being successful improve and improve immensely. Intention is defined as “an anticipated outcome that […]
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We can all set goals but the best type is high goals. Transformational leaders have high expectations. They set lofty goals for themselves and push to be different. Though not necessarily drivers in style, they are always looking to a […]
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What happens if your action to realize your vision stalls? Why has it stalled? There may be several reasons. Structure-there is inherent structure that prevents a person from taking steps toward his or her vision. If there are no openings, […]
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We read about great leaders. We often read that they “have vision”. But what is vision and how can it be used to change our own life and that of our colleagues? In order to create transformation through inspiration, we […]
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Transformational and transactional are the types. Which one are you? Daily planning Transformational leader has priorities for vision and people. Transactional leader has priorities for production and financials. Focus areas Transformational leader has an overall mission and human capacity to […]
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Getting people to take action can be driven by different means. Prodding or threatening them can produce results. But are they the type of results you want? Creating a vision and leading people to action produces better and longer- lasting […]
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In life we have to make choices. In business too we need to list tasks in order of priority. But beware that we don’t exclude certain things because of this. When most people think of priorities, they think of this […]
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Being an inspirational leader requires self-discipline. You can control how you behave by always aiming to grow into that person you want to be. But how? It simply requires noticing what is going through your mind and deciding whether that […]
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The most interesting thing about the following steps is that they are easy. You can achieve success as an inspirational leader by following this formula. Here are the steps. 1. Find your passion-that is the thing that you most love […]
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Leading is a skill like many others and can be taught. Group skills are essential to overall leadership ability, but the basis is in the individual, with who you are as a person and where you want to go. The […]
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